
BalkanMed Programme’s overall objective as stated in the call is to “build on shared territorial assets and promote integrated territorial development and cooperation for a more competitive and sustainable Balkan – Mediterranean area”, whereas the specific objective of PA2, Environment, include the “fostering transnational cooperation for resource efficiency and climate change resilience” Τhe DOMUS_CW project objectives are fully in line with the above and include:
• contribution to the further completion of the goals the Council Directive 91/271/EEC via the adoption of best practices for wastewater treatments in rural areas by developing and promoting efficient and sustainable solutions for the treatment of wastewater treatment at community level i.e. in areas with agglomerations of p.e. size <2,000.
• The improvement of local capacity building in the BalkanMed countries in terms of sustainable infrastructure creation and engagement of local communities in the project.
• Communication of project goals and results to stakeholders, local communities and the general public of BalkanMed countries inside and beyond the Projects area of activities.
• The strengthening of capacities of policymakers to promote policies and develop plans for improved wastewater treatment and resources reuse.
• To publication and utilization of the project results to deal with institutional challenges towards the development of more progressive water use/efficiency regulatory measures and policies.